
Our Team


Matthew has 30 years in business, working in the acquisitions sector & business restructuring throughout the UK. He specializes in AI software development. Formerly licensed by the Ministry Of Justice to deal with complex financial product claims.


Maxime previously worked within the financial services & insurance sector. She is a qualified career auditor who has extensive experience in the compliance and forensic audit sector.


Jacob worked in the financial underwriting department of a UK based commercial loans company for over 16 years and was department head for all compliance. He currently works closely with the back office team managing all compliance-related issues.


Ethan has a BSc in Environmental Geo Science (University of Glasgow). He is experienced AI claims processing as well as back-end programming & AI data sets. He liaises with back-office dealing with the day-to-day updates to the platforms.


Anya is the Head Of Marketing. Has a BA (Hons) & also a Masters (MSc), she handles our full brand output via our MarketingWorks Media arm, with an emphasis on developing our Social Media and digital content across the group.


Jane has extensive experience covering HR, payroll, accounts, and regulatory compliance. She deals with the day to day operation within our Back Office accounts and admin department.


Kiz deals with maintaining and constantly updating our structured AI Dbase, within the evolving platform. He is a proven Web Developer specializing in HTML, CSS, jQuery, JavaScript, PHP & Ajax.


Lucas is responsible for our software deployment. He is involved in performing back-end automated framework quality testing to ensure the software is fit for purpose, identifying and resolving any software issues within the data sets.


Anna is our data scientist currently dealing with matching our external Dbase accruals and matching case values with potential client remediation results within the platform. She specializes in machine learning, statistics & programming.


Gopal deals with the AI automation of our online data points within the platform. He is experienced in forensic accounting and data mining. He has a detailed knowledge of all proprietary functions around online accounting systems.


Asha works on our platform development, integrating additional relevant functionality within the software systems covering detailed compliance and regulator actions.


Thanks to all our ongoing contributors, as well as our subcontractor friends, who are helping OCC create a unique affordable and accessible to "ALL" platform.

Company Registration No SC623773.

Vat No - 459 5682 38.

Registered trademarks No UK00003464662

ICO Registered for Data Protection purposes No ZB650879.

Certified - SSL (RSA1024) Secure Data Transfer Portal Compliant.

T & C, support, pricing and service options are subject to change without notice.

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Contact Us


  • 3FI - Third Floor
  • 3 Hill Street
  • Edinburgh EH2 3JP.
  • Tel - 0131 618 7879.